Lauries Kitchen

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Soccer Sisters and such

JoGail's last soccer game for this season was this afternoon. The team played really well and won (for those NOT keeping score).....even the goalie was able to score a goal! Here's the thing about keeping score...technically in her age division you aren't supposed to keep score..but everyone does anyway....Grace has two more games for the season and then TOC the first weekend in December. we are hoping for beautiful, not cold and windy, weather that weekend. Grace's Coach Brance and Coy are going to try and coach a basketball team for some of those girls, too. It'll be the first try at that with EASA.

I just tried posting a picture again but it didn't work..Somebody help me!

Typical JoGail conversation....talking about a spelling test....we asked her how she did. She said ok but she never heard the e on the end of the word those...we tried explaining that it was a silent e, but she just said that she never heard it coming!
Such a sweetie! She's over visiting with the neighbors.....gotta keep up with all that's going on!