Lauries Kitchen

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Ok I don't know if that day actually exists, but since it's the last day of November I thought I would share some thankfuls on my heart.

First of all, I am thankful for my family, both my big family, church family and what I call my little family. Let me explain.
My big family is my family and Coy's family. We get together when we can. but truth be told it's hard. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters are spread across Texas, Louisiana and somewhere below Hawaii on an island. I call it a side effect of a big family. It's hard fro all of us to get together and happens every 2-3 years but not always on holidays. We have always kind of had unique traditions in our family, so that we don't always get together on what others consider big holidays shouldn't be a surprise to any of us. Three of us have families and we all have in laws, too. Fortunately we all have pretty good in laws. Coy's side of the family got together for his 50th birthday this year but we are also (his 2 sisters and some of his nieces and nephews) are getting together soon after Christmas. I can't be thankful enough for how his family has taken me in and loved me for who I am.

My church family is FBC Eustace. I just can't explain how thankful I am for the "wisdom in them thar pews!" Again they have loved us and supported us unconditionally. They are literally helping to raise the girls and let me tell ya I am so thankful for that. I almost started crying the other night just thinking about my precious JoGail going through junior high. But I realized she is constantly being grounded in the faith and will be ok. She and Grace both are in God's hands-not mine.  Our whole family feels so at home in this church. We are especially thankful for our pastor, youth minister and other faithful servants including Miss Leslee and Mrs. Pat. But there are so many others that pray for us and  I am so grateful for that! FBC Eustace will always be the girls' home church......the one where they were baptized together on the same day!

My little family is just that. Coy, Grace and JoGail. Sometimes I  can't remember life before any of  them came into my life.  Of course I have known Coy for over 25 years. Haven't liked him for that many years, but I knew him. :)  I can say I have prayed for him for over 25 years.....that 's half his life! He is just such a blessing to me. He keeps me grounded and keeps my perspective on the main thing! Grace, oh my Grace. I couldn't wait until she turned 14 so we could finally be done with her being 13! She is  a 'mini me' in alot of ways. Strong as an ox but not a mean bone in her body. Smarter (way smarter) than I will ever be. I am so thankful God made her just the way she is -no take backs!   JoGail~my ray of sunshine. I never know what she will have in store for me! She  loves to cook with me and I enjoy our time in the kitchen. She's my snuggler, too. I am so grateful for just hanging out with my little family for Thanksgiving break. No stress, no worries. Just cooking what we like and watching Christmas movies we have all seen too many times. (All too soon we will waiting on someone to come home from college to cook and eat with.)   Yes we drive each other crazy and fight over who has to be JoGail's partner in the games of '42' we play, but we are a family and I am so grateful for that.

The Christmas season to me isn't necessarily about the presents, the decorations or really even the food. It's about the season of enjoying each other. Whether we are decorating outside or making pumpkin pies.

 I read a Christian blog titled the Martha complex. Yeah, like the Martha as in Mary and Martha.My saying this Christmas is "Mary Christmas!" As a reminder to me to have a servant's heart (like Mary) this season!

yeah, I've ramble and rambled.....that happens when you have bronchitis and am on steroids again!


Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm back....

What a wonderful Thanksgiving day we had! I am so thankful for my family and the rest! Everyone's taken a nap every day so far this school break! We've watched movies together and just hung out together. We were talking at Thanksgiving lunch about the Black Friday shopping and the girls wanted to go....So I took them at 11:15 last night. They were shocked. I was tired. JoGail flat gave out before we got checked out. When we got there people had already gotten into the items for sale and had their buggies full and were waiting in line to check out. Of course the checkouts didn't ring up the sale prices until 12:01 am so the lines were all the way to the back of the store. The girls each picked out what they wanted from each other, so at least it was a semi productive trip. I don' think either really wants to go back anytime soon, either!

I made some homemade cranberry sauce this and I loved it....absolutely loved it! I can't wait to make it again! I found the recipe in a's a Tom Collichio (Top Chef) recipe! I have never tried homemade cranberry sauce before, so I was really shocked that I liked it. Coy didn't try it because he prefers the Ocean Spray type straight out of the can with the ridges intact. JoGail likes both and Grace doesn't eat it was ALL mine!

The second is one I 'created' using ideas from all over the internet. Again, since everyone else likes the traditional meal, even for leftovers, it's all mine too!!!!

Cranberry Sauce
Tom Collichio recipe

1 bag cranberries
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup sugar

Mix in a pan over low heat. Be sure to use a pan with tall sides since the popping will spill up the sides. Keep over low heat, letting berries pop. It will jell when about ready. Cool. store in refrigerator.

Leftover Turkey Sandwich
Compilation of several recipes

Leftover turkey
Leftover Gravy
Leftover Cranberry Sauce
2 pieces bread
2 pieces provolone cheese

Preheat over to broil. Spread cranberry sauce on both pieces of bread. Top with cut up turkey and put on top of cranberry sauce.  Top with gravy and then a piece of cheese. Toast in oven. Some recipes called for dressing on the sandwich as well.

