Lauries Kitchen

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday Fave Five

I know it's Saturday, but I'm just now getting around to the Friday Fave Five.

1. Friends. Friends who care enough to whisk me away for a night of relaxation. Friends who care enough to pray for me daily. Friends who I can talk to. Friends who actually sit by me at ballgames-- yep, there's story there! I am blessed beyond measure with true Christian friends!

2. Sweet potatoes-Yams whatever you call them! I love them baked, mashed and as french fries!

3. Air conditioning. I would absolutely melt away in the summer around here without it. I sleep better because of it, too. It helps my mood, too!

4. Hot water. I now it's simple, but I love a good hot shower and I love washing cour 'whites' in HOT water. A good hot bath is also wonderful and definitely in order after a day of basketball and sitting in a gym.

5. The male role models in my life and my daughter's! I have been truly blessed with wonderful male role models in my life. From my PawPaw to my Dad, to #8, to the man I married. I have had the opopportunity to see how God intended men to be. I am most thankful for them!
