Lauries Kitchen

Friday, January 21, 2011



I have been thinking about the lately. Bare with me, here. I am nerdy, but I'll get to my point eventually.

I just finished reading a Christian library book called Listen. I don't remember who wrote it. But it was about the small town where someone starts recording private conversations (such as conversations in the home, etc) and posting them word fro word on the Internet. Yes, you guessed it, things that weren't mean to for face to face conversations suddenly were face to face. People began arguing and fussing and then you realize it's a teenage boy doing it. The message of the fiction book is that words are powerful.

Some bloggers I know choose a word to live by during the year. I have seen someone who chose the word Breathe. Someone I know chose downsize and yet another chose the word NO. (I thought that was interesting-she's planning on saying no to all the extra stuff she does.) I think I have decided on my word....intentional. I will do things intentionally. I will intentionally improve my health. I will intentionally spend more time with Coy. You guys are just going to have to remind me of my word!!!!  

Have a good weekend. I am intentionlly going to rest!