Wow! 2009 literally flew many things to be thankful for....I generally do not make resolutions.....not much point ot them in my book.....I generally do not stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve, either....usually we are at my grandmother's for my Aunt's bonfire....I like to take the 'just another day attitude'. But we decided to do things differnt this year....we decided to stay home and try to start some traditions.....let the girls have friends over and do things here at the house....we had planne don digging a fire pit and doing fireworks but it's a little too wet for either of those we headed to' shard to find a decent movie for 13 year olds! We settled on the oringinal Star Wars movies.....Grace saw one the other day and loved it as only she could! Games are out adn food is everywhere.....chips, dips.....coka cola, dr pepper...Girls are supposed to be here around 4. House is cleaned and floors are swept and mopped.....not sure why we did that with kids coming over, but we did. Expecting alot of fun memories to be made tonight...
Sidenote....happiness is hearing your almost 10 year old sing 'I'll Fly Away' while playing with her Hot Wheels....
Here's a copy of the annual letter......kind of gives you an idea of what's been going on this past year..
Last February saw both girls being baptized on the same day. It was such a precious and special day!
In January Grace played EASA basketball. Coy was the coach and she improved so much. She was humbled when she was selected as the female played of the year. A lot of her soccer friends were on the team, and it was a fun season. She was 5’7” at her last checkup and wants to keep growing. She has a short pixie haircut that looks great on her. She was at the tip top of her class last year and has been working even harder to make it to the very top. She has tried running cross country, playing volleyball and playing basketball so far. Cross country was ok; she enjoyed running alone. Her team won first in the District meet. In volleyball she was beginning to spike and block well as the season was winding down. She played soccer again for the Lady Destroyers in the rec. league Her team won third place at the state tournament in the Under 14 division. The girls were so excited. Her position was sweeper, which is the last person before the goalie. She’s figuring out that her daddy may (Let me emphasize may) know a thing or two about math.
JoGail is in the fourth grade and will be ten next month. She is getting to play EASA basketball this year for the first time. Coy says she isn’t bad. He’s her coach AGAIN. Poor girl has never had anybody but her daddy for a coach! Their soccer team, the Soccer Sisters, missed going to the state tournament by 1 point. Those girls have improved so much! She has made all A’s this year and is just growing up before our eyes. She still has a generous heart and loves being around people. She got glasses this summer and can see much better now!!! She has sports glasses and looks pretty cool in them! She still rides the bus over to Coy’s office every afternoon and gets help from him with her homework. Of course, she’s sneaking chocolate with Karen and Carol every chance she gets, too! JoGail is developing her passion for cooking…She loves reading cookbooks and trying our new recipes. I have even caught her on the internet reading recipes. We made Toad in the Hole (toast with an egg cooked in the middle) yesterday!
Laurie is still a diagnostician in Mabank. My job is always changing and it keeps me on my toes! I am on facebook…check it almost every day! That’s an easy way to keep up with us. I also have a blog that keeps me
Coy is coaching two EASA basket ball teams-JoGail’s 3rd and 4th grade team and a 5th and 6th grade team. So that’s keeping him extra busy. Between that and going to things at the school, he never slows down. He’s still reading and playing with computers when he’s home. He’s also enjoyed playing the girls in the Wii games.
As a family we have discovered playing the game of 42. Usually it’s Grace and Coy against JoGail and I. She and I seem to think a little more untraditional when it comes to bidding. It’s fun. We were fortunate to be able to travel to the Grand Canyon for vacation. It was a long ride but well worth it. We enjoyed it.
May God Bless you and yours in the coming year!!!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Choco cherry Pie-oh my!
Oh oh my! JoGail got me the herhsey kisses cookbook for Christmas......oh my!!! I let her pick a recipe out for us to try together.....thisis what she chose and oh my!!!
1 baked pie crust, cooled
1 3/4 C hershey mini kisses-divided ( I used nestle milk choc pieces)
1 1/2 c mini marshmallows
1/3 c milk
1 cup cold whipping cream
1 can cherry pie filling
Place 1 cup mini cho pieces, marshmalloes and 1/3 c milk in pam sprayed microwave safe bowl and microwave about 2 mins or until you can stir it and it is smooth. CHILL completely.
Beat whipping cream (thank goodness I had a hand blender and JoGail did this!) ; fold into chocolate mixture. Warning-if you eat the chocolate mixture it is awesome!
Spoon into crust and refrigerate at least 4 hours.
Garnish with cherry pie filling and leftover choc pieces and whipped cream.
recipe from Hershey Kisses Brand Recipes cookbook
We are planning on serving this tomorrow night when Grammy and PawPaw are here...after homemade soup!
We are enjoying the break. I never really thought our gang would start enjoying watchign movies the way we have this break. I'm ok as long as I can search recipes on the laptop during the movie. I am just not good at doing nothing while watchign a movie!!! :)
No snow here.....just a cold rain. I think the weather man said it may snow a little tonight. We had turkey pot pie for supper tonight and it was so good! It just tastes so much better with leftover turkey then chicken-or that's what my gang thinks.
Coy and the girls put together JoGail's hotwheels Cars racetrack. They have really enjoyed playing with it. I think both girls have enjoyed it.
I have been reading.....books from the library. I have readd three Regan Riley mysteries and am trying a new author now. It's been nice not thinking about work for awhile. I know it'll be back on my mind soon enough.
I need to go check on the pie but my 13 year old has her head in my lap so I think I will wiat that girl !
1 baked pie crust, cooled
1 3/4 C hershey mini kisses-divided ( I used nestle milk choc pieces)
1 1/2 c mini marshmallows
1/3 c milk
1 cup cold whipping cream
1 can cherry pie filling
Place 1 cup mini cho pieces, marshmalloes and 1/3 c milk in pam sprayed microwave safe bowl and microwave about 2 mins or until you can stir it and it is smooth. CHILL completely.
Beat whipping cream (thank goodness I had a hand blender and JoGail did this!) ; fold into chocolate mixture. Warning-if you eat the chocolate mixture it is awesome!
Spoon into crust and refrigerate at least 4 hours.
Garnish with cherry pie filling and leftover choc pieces and whipped cream.
recipe from Hershey Kisses Brand Recipes cookbook
We are planning on serving this tomorrow night when Grammy and PawPaw are here...after homemade soup!
We are enjoying the break. I never really thought our gang would start enjoying watchign movies the way we have this break. I'm ok as long as I can search recipes on the laptop during the movie. I am just not good at doing nothing while watchign a movie!!! :)
No snow here.....just a cold rain. I think the weather man said it may snow a little tonight. We had turkey pot pie for supper tonight and it was so good! It just tastes so much better with leftover turkey then chicken-or that's what my gang thinks.
Coy and the girls put together JoGail's hotwheels Cars racetrack. They have really enjoyed playing with it. I think both girls have enjoyed it.
I have been reading.....books from the library. I have readd three Regan Riley mysteries and am trying a new author now. It's been nice not thinking about work for awhile. I know it'll be back on my mind soon enough.
I need to go check on the pie but my 13 year old has her head in my lap so I think I will wiat that girl !
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas with Coy's gang!
We made it to Rockwall this afternoon---about the same time Judy and Jerry made it! They were supposed to be there a couple of days ago but couldn't get out of Anson. As usual we had a great time and great food! JoGail showed Todd all about the Price is Right Nintendo game!!! We got to visit with Jim and Jennifer from Kansas City, too! They have such precious boys....They are growing up soo fast, too !!
After visiting with them we had to hit Barnes and Noble--hey we were within 12 miles of one! I swear Grace has a builkt in radar for finding those things. Needless to say Coy and I were the only ones talking on the way home-the girls were reading.
Broke down and put up the Christmas decorations this evening. Either tomorrow or Monday we will tackle the outside stuff. Hwo come it always come sdown alot faster than putting it up??
I told Coy this evening that I have had enough sweets. I am ready to get back on the calorie counting band wagon. Who would have thought I would say that???
After visiting with them we had to hit Barnes and Noble--hey we were within 12 miles of one! I swear Grace has a builkt in radar for finding those things. Needless to say Coy and I were the only ones talking on the way home-the girls were reading.
Broke down and put up the Christmas decorations this evening. Either tomorrow or Monday we will tackle the outside stuff. Hwo come it always come sdown alot faster than putting it up??
I told Coy this evening that I have had enough sweets. I am ready to get back on the calorie counting band wagon. Who would have thought I would say that???
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! May the trued spirit of Christmas be in ur hearts and on our minds this special day!
Christmas Day started at 6:30 around here. That's early for the girls. Just as well since I had to put hte 20 pound turkey on to cook. Yes, that's right, 5 pounds of turkey PER PERSON. I see turkey recipes all in my head! Tried calling Ragley to talk to Grammy and PawPaw but they weren't up yet.....
We had a little snow yesterday. Not really enough to even coat everything, but the girls did get to see it snow.
The Christmas Eve service at church was unbelievable. Just so touching. Each family goes up adn prays togehter, lights a candle and the has the Lord's Supper-as a family. Takes a little while but it is such a special tradition. Just seeing all the families is neat. Such a special time for the family.
Here's the menu for lunch:
Cranbery Sauce
Sweet potato casserole
Green bean casserole
Coy' s layered salad
Pumpkin pie
This afternoon I get to cook some tings to take to Todd and Michelle's tomorrow.....yummy! I cana't wait to use my new food processor and make margherita balls!
Christmas Day started at 6:30 around here. That's early for the girls. Just as well since I had to put hte 20 pound turkey on to cook. Yes, that's right, 5 pounds of turkey PER PERSON. I see turkey recipes all in my head! Tried calling Ragley to talk to Grammy and PawPaw but they weren't up yet.....
We had a little snow yesterday. Not really enough to even coat everything, but the girls did get to see it snow.
The Christmas Eve service at church was unbelievable. Just so touching. Each family goes up adn prays togehter, lights a candle and the has the Lord's Supper-as a family. Takes a little while but it is such a special tradition. Just seeing all the families is neat. Such a special time for the family.
Here's the menu for lunch:
Cranbery Sauce
Sweet potato casserole
Green bean casserole
Coy' s layered salad
Pumpkin pie
This afternoon I get to cook some tings to take to Todd and Michelle's tomorrow.....yummy! I cana't wait to use my new food processor and make margherita balls!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Cookie Decorating 2009

Here is a sampling of the cookies we made and decorated yesterday. I am proud to say that the girls' decorating skills have dramatically improved. We had alot of fun doing this. The girls look forward to this every year. This afternoon we are taking on the gingerbread house! I also have promised the girls a trip to the thrift store. They love to take 5 dollars each and try to find a bargain. Grade heads to the music and books section and JoGail heads to the ladies' clothes. The best thing is they never know what they will find! I'll try to remember to post theid finds. Coy's new glasses came in. He said he could tell a difference immediately. I think he looks even mor elike Harry Potter in these glasses. He got the transition lenses this time-I hope he likes them. I had to get the extra table out to put all the sweets on. We just have too many. Makes it super easy to graze all day, too.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cole Christmas

The Cole Christmas get together was nice. All five of mom and dad's kids and gradkids were there....we missed having Joey there, though....We made a flying trip out to Colorado C ity and back because it was on Sunday and we had eye doctor appointments this morning. We had plenty to eat and it was all good.
Today we tackled the girls rooms. They look so much better. A little left to finish them off but not much. The best thing is that I don't have to think about it any more over the break! Since they worked hard and were compliant we are taking them to see 'Blindside' tonight. Everyone tells me it is a good movie and at 3 dollars a ticket you can't beat the price. We are going to the early show after we go to the ortho at 3.
I got two new cookbooks as gifts! I have already finished reading them. I have post it notes marking things I want to try! JoGail scored an apron and a kids' cookbook by Gooseberry Patch. She was up at 7:15 ready to make Toad in the Hole for breakfst. We had a good time making them together. I wouldn't have a clue where she gets loving to cook from!
Tomorrow is basketball practice and grocery shopping....I've managed to out it this afternoon!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Almost there!!!
We're almost at Christmas break!!!!! One more morning!!!!!
Coy adn the girls had early release this afternoon....but I sitll beat them home! Coy dedided to go ahead adn practice his young basketball team. I had shake n bake chicken, black eyed peas, broccoli and roasted potatoes waiting when they finally came in. Must have been good-nothing's left! Tomorrow afternoon he's practicing the older team. I am planning baked fish and sides for tomorrow night when they come in.
We had awesome appetizers this morning at the office. Got me way off my eating schedule and blodd sugar dropped this eevening, but I htink I have it back up now. I ate too much this morning and not enough this afternoon. Gotta watch that this time of year! Tonight I have to finish cooking fo rthe dish exchange tomorrow. Creamy rotel dip and I htink I'm going ot try one called swiss cheese dip. Probably make them both tonight and just reheat them in the morning.
Right now we are all watching Winnie the Pooh's to watch again with the girls....they used to love Winnie the Pooh.....and Little Bear....
Made it by the library on my way home today.....I have books to read over the break!!!! Hope I don't decided to do nothing and read them all in one day!
Gotta go get busy again in the kitchen! I love it!!
Coy adn the girls had early release this afternoon....but I sitll beat them home! Coy dedided to go ahead adn practice his young basketball team. I had shake n bake chicken, black eyed peas, broccoli and roasted potatoes waiting when they finally came in. Must have been good-nothing's left! Tomorrow afternoon he's practicing the older team. I am planning baked fish and sides for tomorrow night when they come in.
We had awesome appetizers this morning at the office. Got me way off my eating schedule and blodd sugar dropped this eevening, but I htink I have it back up now. I ate too much this morning and not enough this afternoon. Gotta watch that this time of year! Tonight I have to finish cooking fo rthe dish exchange tomorrow. Creamy rotel dip and I htink I'm going ot try one called swiss cheese dip. Probably make them both tonight and just reheat them in the morning.
Right now we are all watching Winnie the Pooh's to watch again with the girls....they used to love Winnie the Pooh.....and Little Bear....
Made it by the library on my way home today.....I have books to read over the break!!!! Hope I don't decided to do nothing and read them all in one day!
Gotta go get busy again in the kitchen! I love it!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
3 more mornings!
WHOOP! WHOOP! We are working our way to Saturday......the first day of Christmas break!
One more trip to Wal-Mart tonight....Does anyone else get tired of going???? Last minutes thign sthe girls needed for school and groceries for what I am taking to work Thursday and Friday. By the way, I am taking regular rotel dip on Thursday and then swiss cheese dip (new recipe!) and creamy rotel dip on Friday. Creamy rotel dip is 2 blocks of cream cheese melted with cooked sausage and 1 can drained is good! My Aunt Toot taught me this recipe at her New Year's Eve bonfire a couple of years ago. Things are getting thrown together for the Cole Christmas as well. I am taking things for a relish tray and some baked cookies. I though tthe kids would like the cookies. My dad has a new cookie recipe he's bringing called bizcochito.....the recipe I found online calls for 1 POUND of LARD....Yes, LARD.....I'm thinking it's not too healthy but I bet it tastes good! You never know what we will eat at a Cole get together. I've wondered if we will have pink salad??? That was always a hit with everyone growing up.
3 more was chilly this morning.....I really didn't want to get out of bed! But then agian I never do want to get up.....never really have now that I think about it!
One more trip to Wal-Mart tonight....Does anyone else get tired of going???? Last minutes thign sthe girls needed for school and groceries for what I am taking to work Thursday and Friday. By the way, I am taking regular rotel dip on Thursday and then swiss cheese dip (new recipe!) and creamy rotel dip on Friday. Creamy rotel dip is 2 blocks of cream cheese melted with cooked sausage and 1 can drained is good! My Aunt Toot taught me this recipe at her New Year's Eve bonfire a couple of years ago. Things are getting thrown together for the Cole Christmas as well. I am taking things for a relish tray and some baked cookies. I though tthe kids would like the cookies. My dad has a new cookie recipe he's bringing called bizcochito.....the recipe I found online calls for 1 POUND of LARD....Yes, LARD.....I'm thinking it's not too healthy but I bet it tastes good! You never know what we will eat at a Cole get together. I've wondered if we will have pink salad??? That was always a hit with everyone growing up.
3 more was chilly this morning.....I really didn't want to get out of bed! But then agian I never do want to get up.....never really have now that I think about it!
Monday, December 14, 2009
4 more mornings...
Four more mornings up getting up early!!! I know, January will be hard.............but I am not dwelling on THAT. I don't even want to think about going back to school in January!
We had homeade vegetable soup when we came in from the game tonight. It was delicious! Didn't even mess with cornbread.....crackers were enough. Grace's basketball team is improving. Still not neceassily in the winning column we are noticing improvements.
I am startign to get a little excited about seeing everyone this coming weekend. Hope the weather holds and kids can stay healthy. I dont' want to be around sick people.......that would probably mean I would get sick over my break and I don't want that to happen! I don' t want to drive all the way out there and come back with a virus or the flu! But I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Not necessarily looking forward to the wind people keep talking about on facebook, though.
Well, th emopping fairy has managed to avoid my house yet again. Come home from church and floors still need mopping. Come home from school and the floors still need mopping...far as I can remember she has never found my house! Wish she would, though! I've got lots of tile!
Since Coy has board meeting tomorrow night, it'll be a relatively quiet night for the girls and I. We'll bake for the youth Christmas party and continue getting ready for those semester tests on Thursday and Friday.
Almost time for The Big Bang Monday night laugh in .
We had homeade vegetable soup when we came in from the game tonight. It was delicious! Didn't even mess with cornbread.....crackers were enough. Grace's basketball team is improving. Still not neceassily in the winning column we are noticing improvements.
I am startign to get a little excited about seeing everyone this coming weekend. Hope the weather holds and kids can stay healthy. I dont' want to be around sick people.......that would probably mean I would get sick over my break and I don't want that to happen! I don' t want to drive all the way out there and come back with a virus or the flu! But I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Not necessarily looking forward to the wind people keep talking about on facebook, though.
Well, th emopping fairy has managed to avoid my house yet again. Come home from church and floors still need mopping. Come home from school and the floors still need mopping...far as I can remember she has never found my house! Wish she would, though! I've got lots of tile!
Since Coy has board meeting tomorrow night, it'll be a relatively quiet night for the girls and I. We'll bake for the youth Christmas party and continue getting ready for those semester tests on Thursday and Friday.
Almost time for The Big Bang Monday night laugh in .
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas on the Square
Christmas on the square was great! Teh band and choirs sounded awesome. Coy said the parade had 14 floats!!! WOW! Thee were lots of people there, sespite the wet weather and chill. Lots of people took advantage of the free lemons and peppermint sticks. I think Bro. Paul said they gave away about 400....that's lot of sticky people in Eustace! I did find out that he buys the peppermint sticks at the Cracker the case full. Afterwards, Coy took us to Pizza Hut. That's always good and fun!
What a busy day! Bakes alot of cookies this morning! There was one type I baked, cranberry oatmeal, that was awesome. They smelled and tasted so good! JoGail and I maade rolo turtles and oreo balls this afternoon. That girl loves to cook! I am debating about making some gumdrop fudge tonight or waiting til tomorrow. I think I will wait until tomorrow. I am pooped. I cooked down a hcicken today while I was baking to have during the week. It's going to be a busy week!
Monday-Grace basketball game
Tuesday-Coy board meeting
Wednesday-Grace youth party & church Grace-semester tests
Thursday--Early release for the girls -Grace semester tests
Friday-Coy basketball practice and early release for the girls-Grace semester tests
Sat-rest and pack to head to Colorado City
Sunday-Cole Christmas at Beki and David's, weather permitting
Still not sure what I am making to take to Beki's. Has to travel well and doesn't need to be refrigerated since we will probably spend Sat night somewhere. I'm thinking choc candy will not be good because it would probably melt in the car with the heater. :(
Any ideas or requests of what I can take???
What a busy day! Bakes alot of cookies this morning! There was one type I baked, cranberry oatmeal, that was awesome. They smelled and tasted so good! JoGail and I maade rolo turtles and oreo balls this afternoon. That girl loves to cook! I am debating about making some gumdrop fudge tonight or waiting til tomorrow. I think I will wait until tomorrow. I am pooped. I cooked down a hcicken today while I was baking to have during the week. It's going to be a busy week!
Monday-Grace basketball game
Tuesday-Coy board meeting
Wednesday-Grace youth party & church Grace-semester tests
Thursday--Early release for the girls -Grace semester tests
Friday-Coy basketball practice and early release for the girls-Grace semester tests
Sat-rest and pack to head to Colorado City
Sunday-Cole Christmas at Beki and David's, weather permitting
Still not sure what I am making to take to Beki's. Has to travel well and doesn't need to be refrigerated since we will probably spend Sat night somewhere. I'm thinking choc candy will not be good because it would probably melt in the car with the heater. :(
Any ideas or requests of what I can take???
Friday, December 11, 2009
AHHHH A quiet nite!
Oh it's quiet! Coy and Grace are at basketball practice. JoGail spent the night with Jana. Nice and quiet. I guess you could say it's the calm before the storm! Tomorrow's going to be a fun day....staying in pj's and baking most of the morning. The church tasting tea is Sunday after the choir concert. The Edward's brought me the cookie dough and all I have to is bake! (And try not to eat too many!!) I am also going to try out some other recipes I have been holding onto. Getting cards out in the mail is also another goal for tomorrow. JoGail gets home around 12 and then tomorrow night we have Eustace's Chrisstmas on the Square! The parade starts t 5:30. Coy is going to try adn not get hit with candy this year!! HAHA We'll see! Grace is on the Student Council float adn the Select choir JoGail is in is singing at the gazebo.
Next weekend is the Cole Christmas, if the weather holds. We are all planning on gathering at Beki and David's new house. It will be good ot see everyone. I'm not sure what I am going to take. It'll have to be thought out because I think we are leaving sometime around noon and spending the night somewhere before getting to their house on Sun. Any ideas? Some things I have thought about include sausage balls...I don't know though. Whatever it is will also have to travel well.
I have to take thing sto work on Thursday and Friday as well. I am taking easy cheesy rotel dip on thursday and I think I am making a new recipe for Friday. We do a dish exchange in our department. We draw names and bring a dish with food in it. Then whoever's name we had gets the dish plus any leftovers. Last year I got a trifle bowl that I had been wanting for was fun. Plus I got a couple new recipes! Jane's dried beef dip has become a favorite of mine!
My secret sister at church was Sally Johnson! She did such an awesome job! I love the little cards she would mail me. She is such a sweet lady and such an encouragement. She always has a smile, regardless of how she feels. I love her!! One of her gifts to me was the Southern Living recipe Collection for 2009....Oh my goodness!!! I have been reading a litle bit of it every night since I got it. Thank you, Sally!
Just a few more minutes of quiet time before Coy and Grace get's gonna be a great weekend!
Next weekend is the Cole Christmas, if the weather holds. We are all planning on gathering at Beki and David's new house. It will be good ot see everyone. I'm not sure what I am going to take. It'll have to be thought out because I think we are leaving sometime around noon and spending the night somewhere before getting to their house on Sun. Any ideas? Some things I have thought about include sausage balls...I don't know though. Whatever it is will also have to travel well.
I have to take thing sto work on Thursday and Friday as well. I am taking easy cheesy rotel dip on thursday and I think I am making a new recipe for Friday. We do a dish exchange in our department. We draw names and bring a dish with food in it. Then whoever's name we had gets the dish plus any leftovers. Last year I got a trifle bowl that I had been wanting for was fun. Plus I got a couple new recipes! Jane's dried beef dip has become a favorite of mine!
My secret sister at church was Sally Johnson! She did such an awesome job! I love the little cards she would mail me. She is such a sweet lady and such an encouragement. She always has a smile, regardless of how she feels. I love her!! One of her gifts to me was the Southern Living recipe Collection for 2009....Oh my goodness!!! I have been reading a litle bit of it every night since I got it. Thank you, Sally!
Just a few more minutes of quiet time before Coy and Grace get's gonna be a great weekend!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
JoGail's a winner!
JoGail placed third in the oral reading competition!!! WHOOP! WHOOP! The name of her selection was Twattletalk was about a kid who talked all the time......go figure! I am so proud of her...I will post a picture when she gets her award for it.
Had a simple supper tonight....pinto beans with cornbread. It's just hard to beat that. Made some homemade vegetable soup in the castiron dutch oven foor this weekend.....letting the flavors'll be so good!
I am excited for this weekend! I have a list of holiday things to do!!! Baking for the Tasting Tea at church, Christmas cards, and trying a new turtles.....I think this is somehting my brother in law Alex would take a pretzel and slightly melt a rolo on it then top with a pecan half.......maybe we'll make some more oreo balls too--just have to see how much energy I have!
Just got in from teh band concert and it was very nice. Not too long...just about right!!! Of course Grace was pretty much in the middle of the band so I didn't get very many good pictures of her. I was trying.....had to look through music stands to see her. But she was there!
Had a simple supper tonight....pinto beans with cornbread. It's just hard to beat that. Made some homemade vegetable soup in the castiron dutch oven foor this weekend.....letting the flavors'll be so good!
I am excited for this weekend! I have a list of holiday things to do!!! Baking for the Tasting Tea at church, Christmas cards, and trying a new turtles.....I think this is somehting my brother in law Alex would take a pretzel and slightly melt a rolo on it then top with a pecan half.......maybe we'll make some more oreo balls too--just have to see how much energy I have!
Just got in from teh band concert and it was very nice. Not too long...just about right!!! Of course Grace was pretty much in the middle of the band so I didn't get very many good pictures of her. I was trying.....had to look through music stands to see her. But she was there!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Wed night----AWANAS night!!!!
WOW!!!! Pizza was a big hit at the church family supper tonight..Sure makes it easier on those of us serving!!!! The salad was one of our bes tonight, tooo.....
Grace had her lasat nursing home Christmas party tonight. I think she was mroe prepared this week. She and Mackenzie had a blast to hear her talk about it. Apparently a lady told them to take her to room they wheeled her all over the nursing home looking for room 130! She said they got lost!
AWANAS was a little wild......we had seven little ones. I took the cloth nativity scene and told the Christmas story. It always amazes me how God calms them for the story time. And the things they remember! It's just really awesome. I enjoy those little ones! Then we had movie theatre popcorn and hot chocolate with marshmallows for a snack.
Foudn of who my secret sister was.... and I never would have guessed!!!!! Ms Sally!!!! She is such as awesome lady. She has so much joy and I truly appreciate her. She one of those people who come in your life and your life is never the same. She and I laugh alot and cry alot together.
Tomorrow night's the band concert. Doesn't start til seven, so it will be another late night. I think we have had soemthing every night this week. I am missing my family time. I know it will calm down soon and by the end of Christmas break I will be ready to send the girls back to school! Pinto beans are soaking.......pinto beans and cornbread for the best supper ever! I'm also going to start my vegetable soup for Sat. tomorrow night. Gonna break out the cast iron double dutch oven again! Love that thing! Thanks mom and Dad!
About to fall asleep so I better go get ready for bed. The cortizone shot last night kept me up til about 12, so I am extra tired right now. 2 more days till the weekend and we have plans!!!
Grace had her lasat nursing home Christmas party tonight. I think she was mroe prepared this week. She and Mackenzie had a blast to hear her talk about it. Apparently a lady told them to take her to room they wheeled her all over the nursing home looking for room 130! She said they got lost!
AWANAS was a little wild......we had seven little ones. I took the cloth nativity scene and told the Christmas story. It always amazes me how God calms them for the story time. And the things they remember! It's just really awesome. I enjoy those little ones! Then we had movie theatre popcorn and hot chocolate with marshmallows for a snack.
Foudn of who my secret sister was.... and I never would have guessed!!!!! Ms Sally!!!! She is such as awesome lady. She has so much joy and I truly appreciate her. She one of those people who come in your life and your life is never the same. She and I laugh alot and cry alot together.
Tomorrow night's the band concert. Doesn't start til seven, so it will be another late night. I think we have had soemthing every night this week. I am missing my family time. I know it will calm down soon and by the end of Christmas break I will be ready to send the girls back to school! Pinto beans are soaking.......pinto beans and cornbread for the best supper ever! I'm also going to start my vegetable soup for Sat. tomorrow night. Gonna break out the cast iron double dutch oven again! Love that thing! Thanks mom and Dad!
About to fall asleep so I better go get ready for bed. The cortizone shot last night kept me up til about 12, so I am extra tired right now. 2 more days till the weekend and we have plans!!!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Catching up
Well, I had a steroid shot this afternoon at the doctor, so I am full of energy tonight! I have been toying with the idea of trying to update this more frequently. I know ther are some out there that have requested that......a little update on everyone.
JoGail and Coy had their first baskteball practice tonight. Coy said this team will be fun to coach..There are several girls on it from his soccer team plus some new ones. He said the worked on layups without a ball this evening for awhile! JoGail has managed to make all A's so far this year in fourth grade! Tomorrow she has the academic competition. I believe she is participaing in oral reading and dictionary skills. She loves to cook and read recipes (gee, wonder who she got that from???) She loves to make orea balls for her and Coy to eat. She's still as cute as ever! Blond hair, blue eyes and glasses. Cute as a bug in a rug!
Grace is in 7th grade and is officially a teenager. Last weekend her team placed THIRD at the state soccer competition! We were so prpud of her. She even scored!!!! That's rare since she played sweeper on defense and never really had much of an opportunity to score-side note here--I almost hurt myself jumping up out of my chair . (Sweeper is the last person before the goalie.) She has tried running cross country, volleyball and is now into basketball at school. Her hair is still short and she still loves it. She is still on Student Council and enjoys that as well. She has also managed stragiht A's and is just growing up way too fast for her mama! She can cook one protein-baked tilapia. Other than that, well, it's cereal. We're working on learning how to cook spaghetti next. She sees no point in cooking when she can have cereal.....
I'll try to post a basketball schedule for Grace and JoGail when I get JoGail's. I'm certain her games will be a hoot. I think the half time score at Grace's game last night was 3-2.
Coy is staying busy at work. He still enojys going in so that's always a positive sign! He has such good people to work with. They keep him laughing and on his toes. Then after school he has homework duty...usually the girls and at least a acouple of friends go to his office for homework help. The girls say their friends think his office is "cool". He's healthy as a horse and still drinking the diet cokes and eatinfg pop tarts for breakfast!
I am hanging in there. Trying to keep up with everyone. I have really enojyed cooking for the family and trying to keep it halfway healthy. Work is still enjoyable. I, too, have an awesome group of people to work with. I am so thankful the girls have wonderful teachers at their schools. Their teachers seem to enjoy them which make sme a little bit proud!
I am planning on posting more to this blog, so check back frequently!!!
JoGail and Coy had their first baskteball practice tonight. Coy said this team will be fun to coach..There are several girls on it from his soccer team plus some new ones. He said the worked on layups without a ball this evening for awhile! JoGail has managed to make all A's so far this year in fourth grade! Tomorrow she has the academic competition. I believe she is participaing in oral reading and dictionary skills. She loves to cook and read recipes (gee, wonder who she got that from???) She loves to make orea balls for her and Coy to eat. She's still as cute as ever! Blond hair, blue eyes and glasses. Cute as a bug in a rug!
Grace is in 7th grade and is officially a teenager. Last weekend her team placed THIRD at the state soccer competition! We were so prpud of her. She even scored!!!! That's rare since she played sweeper on defense and never really had much of an opportunity to score-side note here--I almost hurt myself jumping up out of my chair . (Sweeper is the last person before the goalie.) She has tried running cross country, volleyball and is now into basketball at school. Her hair is still short and she still loves it. She is still on Student Council and enjoys that as well. She has also managed stragiht A's and is just growing up way too fast for her mama! She can cook one protein-baked tilapia. Other than that, well, it's cereal. We're working on learning how to cook spaghetti next. She sees no point in cooking when she can have cereal.....
I'll try to post a basketball schedule for Grace and JoGail when I get JoGail's. I'm certain her games will be a hoot. I think the half time score at Grace's game last night was 3-2.
Coy is staying busy at work. He still enojys going in so that's always a positive sign! He has such good people to work with. They keep him laughing and on his toes. Then after school he has homework duty...usually the girls and at least a acouple of friends go to his office for homework help. The girls say their friends think his office is "cool". He's healthy as a horse and still drinking the diet cokes and eatinfg pop tarts for breakfast!
I am hanging in there. Trying to keep up with everyone. I have really enojyed cooking for the family and trying to keep it halfway healthy. Work is still enjoyable. I, too, have an awesome group of people to work with. I am so thankful the girls have wonderful teachers at their schools. Their teachers seem to enjoy them which make sme a little bit proud!
I am planning on posting more to this blog, so check back frequently!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Soccer, Cross Country, Volleyball and more soccer!
Things are in ful swing around here. This morning we had soccer, x country and soccer again this afternoon. Luckily the late soccer game was cancelled because of the rain. Nice to just sit on the couch and watch recorderd programs! Next Sat is not as busy-JG soccer @ 10:30, Grace soccer @ 3:00. Plus a concession stand duty thrown in. September 26 would be a great time for those wanting to see Volleyball. That's the weekend of the Eustace tournament. No soccer game for JG that weekend.
I got some good cross ountry pictures this morning and you can see them at facebook. There are volleyball pictures there also.
Not many of Grace since a coach went back and forth in front of me while she was finishing her race, :( but their are some good shots. Grace cut her time by 2 mins so that was a great improvement. She's still learnign to runa dn put it all together. In volleyball she is improving daily. She can serve overhanded but just isn't confident enough yet to do it in a game. We're working on that!
Jogail is happy to be in teh 4th grade. Her soccer team won this morning 9-0. What a great way to start the season! Coy said she played really well this morning also! Guess it's amazing how she can play when she can see the ball coming now!
I got some good cross ountry pictures this morning and you can see them at facebook. There are volleyball pictures there also.
Not many of Grace since a coach went back and forth in front of me while she was finishing her race, :( but their are some good shots. Grace cut her time by 2 mins so that was a great improvement. She's still learnign to runa dn put it all together. In volleyball she is improving daily. She can serve overhanded but just isn't confident enough yet to do it in a game. We're working on that!
Jogail is happy to be in teh 4th grade. Her soccer team won this morning 9-0. What a great way to start the season! Coy said she played really well this morning also! Guess it's amazing how she can play when she can see the ball coming now!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Butterfinger cake
Wow! What a fast two weeks it has been! We had a great vacation and arrived home safely. The next morning the girls left for church camp. The morning after they returned from camp I started back to work! We are ALL tired this weekend! But it has been great. Today we've been watching some Shark week shows and National Geographic shows. I think for Coy that must be equivalent to me wathing the food network so much! Speaking of which, I got a great cake recipe from a site I regularly visit, called Southern Plate. I believe the website is SouthernPlate. com. Lots of GOOD southern recipes at Kristy's site. I heard about this and had to make it......Butterfinger Cake.
1 devil's food cake mix
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar carmel ice cream topping
1 tub cook whip
Bake cake accordign to directions on box in a 13x9 pan. When done, immediately poke holes in cake with fork. Mic carmel and condensed milk together and pour in holes. Don't worry it will absorb it all! Cover and place in refrigerator. When ccompletely cool, frost with cool whip. Chop butterfinger bar into pieces (I left mine in the wrapper and hit it with a mallet hammer) and sprinkle on top. Store in the refrigerator.
Coy really likes it and so does JoGail. Grace hasn't tried it yet (she's the one around here who loves butterfingers!) .
1 devil's food cake mix
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar carmel ice cream topping
1 tub cook whip
Bake cake accordign to directions on box in a 13x9 pan. When done, immediately poke holes in cake with fork. Mic carmel and condensed milk together and pour in holes. Don't worry it will absorb it all! Cover and place in refrigerator. When ccompletely cool, frost with cool whip. Chop butterfinger bar into pieces (I left mine in the wrapper and hit it with a mallet hammer) and sprinkle on top. Store in the refrigerator.
Coy really likes it and so does JoGail. Grace hasn't tried it yet (she's the one around here who loves butterfingers!) .
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Well, school's about to crank up again! I've already had one begging session for not going back, but it didn't work (never has). Once we return from vacation I start the next Monday. I really do miss everyone from work, though. Grace has two more workout mornings. Then when we get back from vacation she is planning on keeping her running up. I'm attaching the link to her cross country schedule as it stands right now.
We roll out after Grace runs her forty forties Thursday. First stop is Missy and Alex's!!! Last stop is Glorieta! I'm sure many potty stops in between! I have my new camera bag so I am ready! I plan to take the computer and hoepfully check in on most nights. Deanna is raciously taking care of Binky. I'm sure Binky will LOVE the peace and quiet!
Oh we got new cell phones that work at our house now! Same numbers! Grace's works better too. She lost her qwert keyboard, but is getting over it!
We roll out after Grace runs her forty forties Thursday. First stop is Missy and Alex's!!! Last stop is Glorieta! I'm sure many potty stops in between! I have my new camera bag so I am ready! I plan to take the computer and hoepfully check in on most nights. Deanna is raciously taking care of Binky. I'm sure Binky will LOVE the peace and quiet!
Oh we got new cell phones that work at our house now! Same numbers! Grace's works better too. She lost her qwert keyboard, but is getting over it!
Friday, July 17, 2009
VBS recipes-Boomerang Express
Here's two recipes we made for the VBS kids this week. Had a blast with Holly and Beth in the kitchen!!!! One was actually from the recipe cards adn one was VBS last year that was a hit.
Down under Smores
1 package marshmallows
almond bark, melted
crushed graham cracker crumbs
wax paper
Spread wax paper on cabinet top. Dip each marshmallow in chocolate then roll in graham cracker crumbs. Set on wax paper to harden.
Austalian Pizza
cheap cheap hot dog buns
pizza sauce
mozzarella cheese
Spread sauce on hotdog buns and top with cheese. Toast in oven.
Down under Smores
1 package marshmallows
almond bark, melted
crushed graham cracker crumbs
wax paper
Spread wax paper on cabinet top. Dip each marshmallow in chocolate then roll in graham cracker crumbs. Set on wax paper to harden.
Austalian Pizza
cheap cheap hot dog buns
pizza sauce
mozzarella cheese
Spread sauce on hotdog buns and top with cheese. Toast in oven.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Anew recipe that is awesome!
This is a breakfast recipe. I found it in a light and tasty magazine then I read a similiar one soemwhere else, so I decided I better try it. Low carb, too! These would be great to take to a Sunday shcool breakfast or to work. It's like making individual omelets. You can add onions, bell peppers or bascially any seasoning you want to this. Both recipes I found also say that these reheat very easily and are a great on the go breakfast. I'm thinking I might make these during the school year.
Breakfast muffins
1/2 package cooked bacon (or 1 package precooked bacon) or 1 lb sausage
12 eggs
1 teaspoon garlic
Preheat oven to 350 dgrees. Spray muffin tin really well with Pam or grease with shortening. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Full muffin tins about 1/3 of the way. Bake 20-25 minutes or until center is set. Makes 12. JoGail has already eaten 3!
JoGail and I are making chicken spaghetti for the youth mission trip at the church today. Other than that we are just being pretty lazy today. Coy mowed yesterday so he could enjoy a day of not thinking he has to mow. Enjoy the recipe.
Breakfast muffins
1/2 package cooked bacon (or 1 package precooked bacon) or 1 lb sausage
12 eggs
1 teaspoon garlic
Preheat oven to 350 dgrees. Spray muffin tin really well with Pam or grease with shortening. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Full muffin tins about 1/3 of the way. Bake 20-25 minutes or until center is set. Makes 12. JoGail has already eaten 3!
JoGail and I are making chicken spaghetti for the youth mission trip at the church today. Other than that we are just being pretty lazy today. Coy mowed yesterday so he could enjoy a day of not thinking he has to mow. Enjoy the recipe.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Celebrate Freedom and Give thanks!
I know it's not Thanksgiving, but I want to give a huge thanks to those who have helped protect our freedoms and those continuing to give! I appreciate your sacrifices.
We spent the third at Todd and Michelle's and had a great time yesterday. We got to see some of Coy's other nieces and nephews and his sister Judy. Everyone enjoyed the great food and the pool!!! Today we helped serve breakfast to police, fire and EMT personnel at the church then came home and enjoyed the A/C. Tomorrow is church and then the choir's musical.
Made chicken and stuffing (see recipe in previous post) and a new green bean recipe....Brett's green beans. It's a mixture of green beans, brown sugar, butter, and garlic. It was great! the girls thought it was a little too garlicky so I will cut that down next time. We still have lots of leftover desserts from when Mike and my parents were here....peach cobbler, super sour cake, sticky toffee pudding (yummy) and apple pie. No dessert baking for me this week!
Another busy week ahead with workouts and just trying to get everything done during the summer break...does it ever end???? I suspect not....
We stopped and bought fireworks on the way home last night and JoGail is so anxious she can hardly stand it. She just can't wait for those sparklers!! I had to take a nap so that maybe I can stay awake! haha must be getting old!
We spent the third at Todd and Michelle's and had a great time yesterday. We got to see some of Coy's other nieces and nephews and his sister Judy. Everyone enjoyed the great food and the pool!!! Today we helped serve breakfast to police, fire and EMT personnel at the church then came home and enjoyed the A/C. Tomorrow is church and then the choir's musical.
Made chicken and stuffing (see recipe in previous post) and a new green bean recipe....Brett's green beans. It's a mixture of green beans, brown sugar, butter, and garlic. It was great! the girls thought it was a little too garlicky so I will cut that down next time. We still have lots of leftover desserts from when Mike and my parents were here....peach cobbler, super sour cake, sticky toffee pudding (yummy) and apple pie. No dessert baking for me this week!
Another busy week ahead with workouts and just trying to get everything done during the summer break...does it ever end???? I suspect not....
We stopped and bought fireworks on the way home last night and JoGail is so anxious she can hardly stand it. She just can't wait for those sparklers!! I had to take a nap so that maybe I can stay awake! haha must be getting old!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Chicken with stuffing
I forgot how wonderful fresh blueberries and cool whip is! It is so yummy and good for me!!!
I made this new recipe last night for supper. I had chicken tenders and stuffing, so I searched the net and found this recipe. Easy and eveyrone liked it. It's a keeper! This would make an easy camping recipe, for my rv camper friends. It doesn't have any prep work or unusual ingredients.
chicken tenders, thawed
1 pkg stove top stuffing, chicken flavored
1 stick melted butter
Spray pan with pam. I think I used an 11x7 pan. Preheat oven to 350. Line tenders in bottom of pan. Pout stuffing straight from the box over the chicken. Pour melted butter over stuffing. Bake for about 30 mins or until chicken juices run clear.
I also fried some squash that a friend had given me. it was the best ever! I used the pancake mix as the flour when I breaded it and used tongs to flip it. It was awesome!
I made this new recipe last night for supper. I had chicken tenders and stuffing, so I searched the net and found this recipe. Easy and eveyrone liked it. It's a keeper! This would make an easy camping recipe, for my rv camper friends. It doesn't have any prep work or unusual ingredients.
chicken tenders, thawed
1 pkg stove top stuffing, chicken flavored
1 stick melted butter
Spray pan with pam. I think I used an 11x7 pan. Preheat oven to 350. Line tenders in bottom of pan. Pout stuffing straight from the box over the chicken. Pour melted butter over stuffing. Bake for about 30 mins or until chicken juices run clear.
I also fried some squash that a friend had given me. it was the best ever! I used the pancake mix as the flour when I breaded it and used tongs to flip it. It was awesome!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
As most of you know, Mr. Kirk passed away last Tuesday night. He had been with Eustace ISD 46 consecutive years and never taught anywhere else. His funeral is this afternoon in the new gymnasium named after him. There is a picture of him on my last blog. He was a funny man. Just listening to Coy's stories about him crack me up. What's interesting is that his dad is 97 years old and still alive. He will be sorely missed for many days, months, and years to come.
My mom and dad are down from Glorieta NM for a quick visit. They have been a huge help with the girls while Coy and I do all the funeral stuff. I appreciate it.
Grace went to the doctor yesterday for her physical and new immunization shots. She got three and never flinched (probably because she was reading a reader's digest the whole time). She's 5'6" and weighs 137. She's in the 95th percentile for weight and 97th percentile for height. I measured JoGail for fun and she is 4'6".
Two more days of work! Yahoo!!!!!I am anxious to have more time to walk and just relax around the house. The two main projects for me this summer are to organize my recipes.....( I have a neato moquito notebook my sister Melissa made for me) and clean out the garage. (go through those tubs I have decided are from the devil himself......just makes you think you can keep more).
I have thought of something I didn't Know I wanted ....deviled egg trays. I have been reading on the Internet that every good respectable true southern lady has those. I have a plastic one but not a nice, FORMAL, one. Any thoughts about this?????I'm sure all our grandmothers had them...I don't remember mine having them but when I mentioned it to my mom and dad they remembered their moms having at least two a piece....
I am now on facebook and love it. You can search for me under the name Laurie Holcombe. I am also on twitter but haven't played around much with that one. You can also follow Coy on twitter.
Gotta go get a bath for the funeral.
My mom and dad are down from Glorieta NM for a quick visit. They have been a huge help with the girls while Coy and I do all the funeral stuff. I appreciate it.
Grace went to the doctor yesterday for her physical and new immunization shots. She got three and never flinched (probably because she was reading a reader's digest the whole time). She's 5'6" and weighs 137. She's in the 95th percentile for weight and 97th percentile for height. I measured JoGail for fun and she is 4'6".
Two more days of work! Yahoo!!!!!I am anxious to have more time to walk and just relax around the house. The two main projects for me this summer are to organize my recipes.....( I have a neato moquito notebook my sister Melissa made for me) and clean out the garage. (go through those tubs I have decided are from the devil himself......just makes you think you can keep more).
I have thought of something I didn't Know I wanted ....deviled egg trays. I have been reading on the Internet that every good respectable true southern lady has those. I have a plastic one but not a nice, FORMAL, one. Any thoughts about this?????I'm sure all our grandmothers had them...I don't remember mine having them but when I mentioned it to my mom and dad they remembered their moms having at least two a piece....
I am now on facebook and love it. You can search for me under the name Laurie Holcombe. I am also on twitter but haven't played around much with that one. You can also follow Coy on twitter.
Gotta go get a bath for the funeral.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
EHS Graduation 2009

Top picture is Mr. E.L. Kirk. The school board named the new gym after him. He has been employed by EISD for more than 46 years. Still going strong, too.
The next picture is Coy calling out Senior scholarships. The next one is one I took of the seniors. The next one is the new podium made completely of wood and stain-no paint. It's cool! The last one is of Mrs. Beasley, Coy and Mr. Sowers. Coy graduated 95 seniors yesterday in the brand new E.L.Kirk Bulldog gym. The gym isn't completely finished but Coy met his goal of having graduation in it. He calculated more than 2100 people were there. That's alot for Eustace!

Grace is finished with school for this year since she is exempt from finals because of her TAKS scores. JoGail has three more days but 2 are early release. Tomorrow she gets to go skating for her grades, attendance, and good conduct. Grace spent the night with Carly Friday night then they went to Splash Kingdom. (waterpark) She came back looking like a lobster. They thought tanning lotion would provide some some block but give them a tan. I guess they didn't read the bottle! We went to Academy this afternoon and got heat gear from Under Armor for her summer workouts. I think she has also decided to add the cross country workouts this summer, also. That means she will be working out from 7 to 10. Coy is making some workout cards fro JoGail to do this summer, too. She wants to do those summer workouts so bad. She's just too young. We got her some workout clothes too. Had to have a heated discussion that even though she may have on a sports bra she STILL had to have a shirt on over it!!!!Betcha ten bucks she tries to go without a shirt at least once this summer!!!! Happenings this week: Tuesday Coy goes to the orthopedic specialist about his shoulder impingement. Friday he's off but he and JG have eye appointments. She's been squinting alot. I have just been waiting for school to be out. Since she sits front and center all year anyway (I don't think she ever gets off the front row for some mysterious reason), I knew she could see the board. She mainly squint looking in the distance. My cellutits is getting much better. Now I just have to tolerate the antibiotics for a little while longer. I was lucky I didn't have to go in the hospital for IV antibiotics for it. I have to work until June 17 but that includes my 3 comp days for net year. When I am done I am done!!!!Lots of reports left to write.
Gotta go get some supper together.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
You put a smile on my face.
You are pretty as lace.
You are full of grace.
You are my comfy place.
Poem I received this morning from Grace. Oh yeah, made my cry....JoGail gave me decorated paper plate full of good food (strawberries, cherries, sushi (thanks TAC and Joey) and watermelon) with a paper towel taped to it that she had drawn a fork, knife, and spoon. on. Priceless......oh-Grace also gave me coupon to 1 ( and only 1) of her books from her 'collection'. Pretty priceless......have to take her up on that one this summer!
Had the 3 on 3 tournament this weekend. Pretty much like a day long picnic. Grace was the only one who got a little sunburned. So I felt like it was a successful weekend. Both girls won and lost some games. They said they had fun. One more tournament for Grace-Memorial Day weekend in Tyler. She play some teams we haven't played before so that will be interesting. Hope we get a chance to see Jason, Rebecca and maybe Leigh Ann and Trey that weekend. We probably won't get a chance to leave to soccer field, so they will have to generously come see us there!
Banquet week is this week. One on Tuesday and one on Thursday. (Top Ten and National Honor Society) The Top Ten one is cool. The top ten in the graduating class choose their most influential teacher and read an essay about them and present them with a plaque. Pretty cool.
Looking forward to graduation finally being held in Eustace! I have to make arrangements to go since I have a workday in Mabank on that Saturday. The gym is almost ready. Coy keeps telling people ready or not it's happening there. For pictures on the new gym, you go to and click on the superintendent's blog link on the right. He writes a blog every day. He's been busy trying to mow this afternoon. Finally have a chance! We were talking this afternoon and it's going to be weird not having soccer next Saturday! I secretly wish it was Canton weekend! haha
Oh yeah1 The BIG news of the week--JoGail made 100 AR points! It was truly a family effort to get her there, but we got her there by the deadline. So she gets to go on a field trip to Chuck E Cheese and she was the only one in her teacher's class to get there! Plus she will get 5 balls to throw at the teacher in the dunking booth in a couple of weeks. She has come a long way with her reading! We are so proud of her!!
TAKS scores should be in Thursday or Friday for those wondering. At least that's about when it has been in the past.
Grace has her end of year band concert tomorrow night. The competition was postponed because of the flu scare, so she also has that this week. She's decided to wear capri pants (she hates those) in lieu of the dress!She was funny last week when she found out that 'waffling' was a verb. She thought that was really cool. I can't believe she will be a 7th grader next fall! WOW!!!
You are pretty as lace.
You are full of grace.
You are my comfy place.
Poem I received this morning from Grace. Oh yeah, made my cry....JoGail gave me decorated paper plate full of good food (strawberries, cherries, sushi (thanks TAC and Joey) and watermelon) with a paper towel taped to it that she had drawn a fork, knife, and spoon. on. Priceless......oh-Grace also gave me coupon to 1 ( and only 1) of her books from her 'collection'. Pretty priceless......have to take her up on that one this summer!
Had the 3 on 3 tournament this weekend. Pretty much like a day long picnic. Grace was the only one who got a little sunburned. So I felt like it was a successful weekend. Both girls won and lost some games. They said they had fun. One more tournament for Grace-Memorial Day weekend in Tyler. She play some teams we haven't played before so that will be interesting. Hope we get a chance to see Jason, Rebecca and maybe Leigh Ann and Trey that weekend. We probably won't get a chance to leave to soccer field, so they will have to generously come see us there!
Banquet week is this week. One on Tuesday and one on Thursday. (Top Ten and National Honor Society) The Top Ten one is cool. The top ten in the graduating class choose their most influential teacher and read an essay about them and present them with a plaque. Pretty cool.
Looking forward to graduation finally being held in Eustace! I have to make arrangements to go since I have a workday in Mabank on that Saturday. The gym is almost ready. Coy keeps telling people ready or not it's happening there. For pictures on the new gym, you go to and click on the superintendent's blog link on the right. He writes a blog every day. He's been busy trying to mow this afternoon. Finally have a chance! We were talking this afternoon and it's going to be weird not having soccer next Saturday! I secretly wish it was Canton weekend! haha
Oh yeah1 The BIG news of the week--JoGail made 100 AR points! It was truly a family effort to get her there, but we got her there by the deadline. So she gets to go on a field trip to Chuck E Cheese and she was the only one in her teacher's class to get there! Plus she will get 5 balls to throw at the teacher in the dunking booth in a couple of weeks. She has come a long way with her reading! We are so proud of her!!
TAKS scores should be in Thursday or Friday for those wondering. At least that's about when it has been in the past.
Grace has her end of year band concert tomorrow night. The competition was postponed because of the flu scare, so she also has that this week. She's decided to wear capri pants (she hates those) in lieu of the dress!She was funny last week when she found out that 'waffling' was a verb. She thought that was really cool. I can't believe she will be a 7th grader next fall! WOW!!!
Monday, May 04, 2009
The light at the end of the tunnel...

Yes, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel,umm I mean school year! I am beginning towrap things up fro this year and look twoards next year. No cases of swine flu, here, that we know of. Of course, Coy said the health department says a flu test takes 7 days to complete now, so who knows!!! JoGail is reading like a crazy girl trying to get to 100 AR points by Wednesday. I think she is at 94.5. It's been neat watching her grow as a reader since she struggled so much at first. She's also getting a little taller and thinning out a little. Grace was about that age when she starting thinning out, too. Grace is looking forward to her summer workouts at school. Every morning at 8. She lives for that just finished a workout feeling. She has her first band contest Friday in Canton. She's trying to get out of wearing a skirt on the bus on the way over there. We'll see. Both girls are in the TriCounty 3 on 3 tournament this weekend. As always our goal will be to avoid getting sunburned! It's a wualifying tournament, so if either on ewas to win first they would get to participate at the next level. 3 on 3 is hard because the field is small, the goals are really really small and it goes fast. An entire game lasts 23 minutes. It's not about power at all. Grace will have to tone it down a little! hahaMade fish for supper with spinach, blackeyed peas and roasted veggies. I'm sure this recipe has been around for awhile, but it was new to me and was really really good!
Roasted veggies
8 red potatoes washed and quartered
16 baby carrots
1 can chicken broth
2 teaspons seasoned salt
1 zuchinni cut into small pieces
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray roasting pan with pam. Combine potatoes, carrots, salt, and 1/2 can chicken broth in roasting pan and cover. Cook for about 30 minutes. Add zuchinni and remainder of broth and cook for additional 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
More rain on the way........wahoo!!! Just what we need--another 4 inches!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The life of a diagnostician
Had a very trying day at work today. I feel like many people are trying to make round kids fit in the premolded square peg. I.E......everyone must pass TAKS, if a kid can't read then he must be Special Ed.......and it goes on and on. Now for those who don't know exactly what I do at work (some people I work for are still wondering that but the way). Here' s in a nutshell what I do. Students are referred to me for Special Education testing. There are many criteria the student must go through before I get the referral. Then I contact the parents and we begin collecting data, giving IQ tests, giving achievement tests, observations, etc. Again, alot of time and input is given from teachers, etc. After I collect everything and give everything, I write a report. Now the report is based on all the information I have collected. Then we input the scores in a template to see if the student has any cognitive deficits. There are specific areas that I test for. Used to be, a child's IQ was a significant factor in whether or not they qualified because there had to be a 16 point or greater discrepancy between that and an area of achievement. But no longer because of No Child Left Behind. Now I am looking for a cognitive area with a deficit (below 85) that correlates back to a low area of achievement. Many students I have tested this year have not demonstrated this deficit. Thus, they do not qualify at this time for services. Now here's where I think some confusion comes in. Many think that since a student can't read so he will qualify for Special Ed. They forget to look for the underlying cognitive deficit that the law says MUST be there. If it is not there I can't say a student has a Specific Learning Disability. And while I am on the topic, a student who is low in the three basic areas of achievement (reading, writing, and math) cannot have a specific learning disability. A student in this situation, in my opinion, has more of a general learning disability rather than a SPECIFIC learning disability. Yes, there is a HUGE crack that slow learners and students with general learning disabilities will probably fall in. This is where teamwork and thinking outside the box comes in to play. These students CAN learn. They are just slower. They may need more individualized teaching. You can't keep teaching them the same way, or you will get the same results. They are obviously struggling so change the way they are being taught. Yes, I have a huge burden on my heart for those students who I test and do not qualify, especially when I know they are struggling in the classroom. But I am bound to follow the guidelines set forth by my school district, TEA, and the federal government (since we receive federal funds). Seems like if a kid qualifies everybody loves us but when a student doesn't we're the arch enemy. Hard for an emotionally unstable (Sometimes) person to deal with on some days.
There got that off my chest! Maybe I will sleep better tonight.
Came home from work and walked for a little bit-til I started wheezing! Still on meds and breathing treatments. Went to dr this pm and it's not pneumonia again so that's good. Probably just my faithful companion a sinus infection.
Had beans and cornbread for supper. That is so hard to beat! Just to walk in and smell those beans in the crockpot made me relax a little! Grace and I are heading out to Waxahachie this weekend for her soccer tournament. Coy and JoGail have a game here. Busy Busy!
One of our Sunday school cl as member shad a stroke this morning. Please keep Mary and Jack in your prayers. They are a sweet couple. Jack was supposed to go on a missions trip to Africa this May but I don't know if he will go now since this happened to Mary. Please pray for wisdom for him in this. Also, my sister and her family are gearing up for their annual March of Dimes walk this coming weekend. While it's inspiring and healing, it's also a reminder about why they are there. Please pray for them to have a peace about everything. If you haven't but would like to donate, check out their web page.....
Hopefully we will get our t shirts this week and we can wear them Saturday as if we are there walking with them......if not, I'll wear last year's -it still fits!!!One of these years I am going to be there for the walk....forget work and really think about what's important in life.
Gotta go clean the kitchen....the cleaning fairy must be at Stacia or Leigh Ann's because she sure hasn't been here! LOL
There got that off my chest! Maybe I will sleep better tonight.
Came home from work and walked for a little bit-til I started wheezing! Still on meds and breathing treatments. Went to dr this pm and it's not pneumonia again so that's good. Probably just my faithful companion a sinus infection.
Had beans and cornbread for supper. That is so hard to beat! Just to walk in and smell those beans in the crockpot made me relax a little! Grace and I are heading out to Waxahachie this weekend for her soccer tournament. Coy and JoGail have a game here. Busy Busy!
One of our Sunday school cl as member shad a stroke this morning. Please keep Mary and Jack in your prayers. They are a sweet couple. Jack was supposed to go on a missions trip to Africa this May but I don't know if he will go now since this happened to Mary. Please pray for wisdom for him in this. Also, my sister and her family are gearing up for their annual March of Dimes walk this coming weekend. While it's inspiring and healing, it's also a reminder about why they are there. Please pray for them to have a peace about everything. If you haven't but would like to donate, check out their web page.....
Hopefully we will get our t shirts this week and we can wear them Saturday as if we are there walking with them......if not, I'll wear last year's -it still fits!!!One of these years I am going to be there for the walk....forget work and really think about what's important in life.
Gotta go clean the kitchen....the cleaning fairy must be at Stacia or Leigh Ann's because she sure hasn't been here! LOL
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter!!!!
Happy Easter from Eustace!!!n We had our Easter Celebration meal today at lunch... I think we are all still full!!!! Here's our menu:
Ham (precooked and bought from teh good ole FFA)
Broccoli and cauliflower (Girls love this)
Mrs. Beasley's corn casserole (we ALL love this)
Hash Brown Casserole (from my mom's recipe book)
Coy's layered salad (He's the only one who even touches this)
Deviled Eggs (we are in the South afterall)
Pillsbury Rolls
Triple Layer Lemon Pie
Strawberry Cake (Sort of like what Grandma used to make but I have yet to match her icing)
After eating we cleaned the kitchen (Coy always helps) and then went to see Monsters vs. Aliens. Tonight we got everythign out ready for tomorrow and painted, Grace wouldn't submit yet......
Latest happenings--Coy mowed most of yesterday....all day.....and then he put out fertilizer this afternoon......I'm no brain surgeon, but wouldn't lead to MORE mowing????? Grace hid plastic eggs outside for JoGail...took her a day and a half to find them all......(go figure that one when we have what.....maybe 3 baby trees???I took some grat pictures of th eazaleas blooming......what you can see through the baby palm tree Coy planted in from of them....the transplanted (I mean mailed) rose bush from New Mexico in the front flower bed os blooming like crazy.....the irses that were also mailed from some neighbor lady of mom and dad's have bloomed and have quadrupled in number.....they are gorgeous.... a deep, deep purple, of course! I've been messing with pictures again and it's slow going. I'll eventually get it all figured out! I did download picassa, so that should help...maybe!
I will try to post some pictures tomorrow of Easter outfits!
Have a blessed Easter!
Ham (precooked and bought from teh good ole FFA)
Broccoli and cauliflower (Girls love this)
Mrs. Beasley's corn casserole (we ALL love this)
Hash Brown Casserole (from my mom's recipe book)
Coy's layered salad (He's the only one who even touches this)
Deviled Eggs (we are in the South afterall)
Pillsbury Rolls
Triple Layer Lemon Pie
Strawberry Cake (Sort of like what Grandma used to make but I have yet to match her icing)
After eating we cleaned the kitchen (Coy always helps) and then went to see Monsters vs. Aliens. Tonight we got everythign out ready for tomorrow and painted, Grace wouldn't submit yet......
Latest happenings--Coy mowed most of yesterday....all day.....and then he put out fertilizer this afternoon......I'm no brain surgeon, but wouldn't lead to MORE mowing????? Grace hid plastic eggs outside for JoGail...took her a day and a half to find them all......(go figure that one when we have what.....maybe 3 baby trees???I took some grat pictures of th eazaleas blooming......what you can see through the baby palm tree Coy planted in from of them....the transplanted (I mean mailed) rose bush from New Mexico in the front flower bed os blooming like crazy.....the irses that were also mailed from some neighbor lady of mom and dad's have bloomed and have quadrupled in number.....they are gorgeous.... a deep, deep purple, of course! I've been messing with pictures again and it's slow going. I'll eventually get it all figured out! I did download picassa, so that should help...maybe!
I will try to post some pictures tomorrow of Easter outfits!
Have a blessed Easter!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It was COLD at the soccer game!

It was cold at the soccer game tonight! Grace's team played a much older (age wise) team and we got a good 'gut check' . We lost, but we played pretty well the second half. Grace got to play defense wquite a bit which she loves. We put her har up in pigtails to keep it out o fher face and we were mostly successful. The sind blew like crazy. JoGail and I were going to stay home from the game because of the wind but I couldn't resist getting a picture or two of her in the pigtails!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mexican Goulash
Kind of combined some recipes to make this tonight for supper. It was good forthem to heat up when they came in from soccer practice. Coy and I both are struggling with sinus stuf right now. Gonna be alot of snoring in the bedroom tonight!!hahaMissy just emailed me and said that school was cancelled up there for tomorrow because of the blizzard coming. I hope she knows yo have to fix hot chocolate for the kids with whipped cream and sprinkles on top when school gets cancelled like that! I'm guessing Alex still has to go to work, so I hope he is careful.....wait does Alex and careful go toether???hahahajust joking....JoGail got her cast off this morning. Coy had to take her isnce I had an ARD meeting. He said she was crying before they even cut it off. She is still protecting it pretty good so we have to watch out for that. Monday morning she gets what's left of her wart scraped off. You'll probably hear her screaming for that up in Glorieta! Banquet season has started for Coy...two down, lots more to go. It is fun seeing the kids reap the rewards of their hard work.I really don't know if this is goulash, or what the Top Chef or Food Network vocabulary for goulash is, but we liked this. I reminded me of when Daddy would be gone when we were growing up and mama would make macaroni and cheese and mix in a can of cream of mushroom soup and drained can of tuna. Some of us liked that, some of us didn't. (Maybe that recipe could go in your book, mom???) Oh yeah-it is TAKS season, JoGail missed commended in reading by one question! We are so proud of her. She has really worked hard. Our friend in Evant, Stacia, her daughter had a perfect score!!!!! Again, it's good to see the kids reap the rewards of their hard work.
Mexican Goulash or maybe Mexican mac and cheese (Toot, you can make this!)
1 box kraft deluxe macaroni and cheese cooked (I used this kind because Coy is sensitive to milk)
1 pound ground hamburger cooked and seasoned with taco seasoning ( I used turkey because it's cheaper)
1 can rotel
3 tablespoons sour cream
Mix all together and heat.
The azaleas ar starting to bloom around here. I hope we don't get a freeze and kill off the blooms!More soccer this weekend. Grace has 2 games and JoGail has one.
Mexican Goulash or maybe Mexican mac and cheese (Toot, you can make this!)
1 box kraft deluxe macaroni and cheese cooked (I used this kind because Coy is sensitive to milk)
1 pound ground hamburger cooked and seasoned with taco seasoning ( I used turkey because it's cheaper)
1 can rotel
3 tablespoons sour cream
Mix all together and heat.
The azaleas ar starting to bloom around here. I hope we don't get a freeze and kill off the blooms!More soccer this weekend. Grace has 2 games and JoGail has one.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Soccer and ring pops
Grace's team won her game both last night and this afternoon. JoGail's team lost, bu they showed great signs of improvement! Coy's nephew and his wife (Todd and Michele) came down from Rockwall to see the girls play. We had a good, but tiring day. The sun came out and a few of us got a little red......mainly me! You can tell where I sat with my legs crossed by the redness!!!
Over all we had a good, relaxing Spring break. Already dreading Monday morning!!!After church tomorrow we'll spend time trying to get everything together for the week. During the spring it seems our schedules just get jam packed. Banquets, practices, games, tournaments, you name it. It was NICE to just stay home! Both girls got good haircuts yesterday. JoGail's hair in barely shoulder length now. Kind of like a 'bob' on her. Grace's got thinned and shaped and styled. It was pure torture for her!!
Had to pass this little story about JoGail along! I had bought a couple of ring pops for her to share with the other little kids at Grace's game. Well, we were a couple short. So I gave JoGail a five dollar bill and specifically told her to "Bring back my change". So she took off for the concession stand. Well, she comes bebopping back with a container, yes container of ring pops. And she announced "look how many ring pops five dollars can buy!!" Needless to day we gave ring pops out to anybody who wanted one!
Over all we had a good, relaxing Spring break. Already dreading Monday morning!!!After church tomorrow we'll spend time trying to get everything together for the week. During the spring it seems our schedules just get jam packed. Banquets, practices, games, tournaments, you name it. It was NICE to just stay home! Both girls got good haircuts yesterday. JoGail's hair in barely shoulder length now. Kind of like a 'bob' on her. Grace's got thinned and shaped and styled. It was pure torture for her!!
Had to pass this little story about JoGail along! I had bought a couple of ring pops for her to share with the other little kids at Grace's game. Well, we were a couple short. So I gave JoGail a five dollar bill and specifically told her to "Bring back my change". So she took off for the concession stand. Well, she comes bebopping back with a container, yes container of ring pops. And she announced "look how many ring pops five dollars can buy!!" Needless to day we gave ring pops out to anybody who wanted one!
Friday, March 20, 2009
JoGail has been asking me to make homemade waffles. And since I have cooked something everyday of this break, why not? So I found this recipe and these waffles were out of this world! I limited myself to one since it was loaded with carbs, plus the syrup on top! It was soo good, though!
1 stick melted butter
2 cups flour
1/4 c brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs well beaten
2 cups buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix well. Put in waffle iron to cook.
Gotten alot of stuff cleaned out from around the house this week. Everyone managed to fill a trash bag full of stuff to take to Goodwill. Actually that's what started the 'I want waffles thing". We found the waffle iron stashed under the kitchen cabinet. Coy has mowed (about time-we found 2 business cards tucked in the front door advertising lawn care services). He planted a palm tree--the only reason I can think of that he EVEN wanted one was because he saw one at Todd and Michelle's over Christmas. Personally if I want a tree I want shade or fruit. But it made him happy, so we have a pindo palm tree in the front flower bed. Wednesday I took the girls plus a friend and we went to the movies. Grace and Lindsey saw Coraline (Grace had read the book) and then I took JoGail and Boo to see Race to Witch Mountain. They enjoyed it. I enjoyed the popcorn. First time I had had that in a long time! Soccer is in full swing this weekend with a game tonight, two games tomorrow and a games Sunday afternoon. Plans for today include planning next week's menus and mopping and cleaning the bathrooms. I have put if off about as long as I can! With the syrup from the waffles this morning we can probably stick to the kitchen know my mopping theme, if you don't stick I don't mop! haha
Can somebody tell me how to tag my posts so that when I want to look for a recipe I can find it without going through all the rest????? I would also like to create an index by food type. I have seen it done but do not have a clue how to do that. Also, while I am begging for help, I won (YES, WON!!) an ipod nano from a company that does our ARD paperwork. Now I have it charged and songs loaded. But everytime I go to listen to it I can't get the volume where I want it. I need an ipod tutorial!!!
1 stick melted butter
2 cups flour
1/4 c brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs well beaten
2 cups buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix well. Put in waffle iron to cook.
Gotten alot of stuff cleaned out from around the house this week. Everyone managed to fill a trash bag full of stuff to take to Goodwill. Actually that's what started the 'I want waffles thing". We found the waffle iron stashed under the kitchen cabinet. Coy has mowed (about time-we found 2 business cards tucked in the front door advertising lawn care services). He planted a palm tree--the only reason I can think of that he EVEN wanted one was because he saw one at Todd and Michelle's over Christmas. Personally if I want a tree I want shade or fruit. But it made him happy, so we have a pindo palm tree in the front flower bed. Wednesday I took the girls plus a friend and we went to the movies. Grace and Lindsey saw Coraline (Grace had read the book) and then I took JoGail and Boo to see Race to Witch Mountain. They enjoyed it. I enjoyed the popcorn. First time I had had that in a long time! Soccer is in full swing this weekend with a game tonight, two games tomorrow and a games Sunday afternoon. Plans for today include planning next week's menus and mopping and cleaning the bathrooms. I have put if off about as long as I can! With the syrup from the waffles this morning we can probably stick to the kitchen know my mopping theme, if you don't stick I don't mop! haha
Can somebody tell me how to tag my posts so that when I want to look for a recipe I can find it without going through all the rest????? I would also like to create an index by food type. I have seen it done but do not have a clue how to do that. Also, while I am begging for help, I won (YES, WON!!) an ipod nano from a company that does our ARD paperwork. Now I have it charged and songs loaded. But everytime I go to listen to it I can't get the volume where I want it. I need an ipod tutorial!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm back!

I know it's been a while since I have posted. Life has had me busy!Between ball games and broken arms, I haven't had much time to work on the computer!Took some pictures o JG's first soccer game this season adn some baskeball picturs of Grace. You can see how we had to pad JoGail's arm with fabric then duct tape it for her to be able to play. We had a game night at church last night. Coy and I played '42' with Grandma and Grandpa Hodge. It was fun. We hope we can be that happy when we've been married 63 years!!!Sprin gbreak is upon us. We are staying home and enjoying every minute of it!!The cool wet weather is supposed to change to warm and sunny tomorrow. We plan on going through some thing sin the garage and working on the lawn mower some. I'll try to post some more later.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mexican Cheesecake
Ok, so I thought I was over the pneumonia! After laying around this weekend and Binky (cat) staring at me, literally, I decided to go back to the doctor. Another chest x ray showed the lungs were worse, so I have pretty much been home since Tuesday. I started feeling better this afternoon and hope it lasts. We'll see.I am planning on attempting to go back to work tomorrow. It's a staff meeting and we're eating chili! I was supposed to bring a dessert so I tried a new one. So, here's what I made this afternoon!
Mexican Cheesecake
Mexican Cheesecake
1 - 8oz package cream cheese (softened)
1 - egg
1 - 12 oz can evaporated milk
1 - 14 oz La Lechera condensed milk (sweetened condensed milk)
1 - tsp Mexican vanilla or pure vanilla extract
2 - prepared graham cracker crusts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend the first 5 ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Pour into prepared graham cracker crust. Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown. Insert knife to test for doneness when knife comes out clean the cheesecake is done. Let cool, refrigerate and serve. This cheesecake is best served cold.
Posted by Mommy's Kitchen at 4:37 PM
I am trying a piece after supper. Big weekend planned. Aunt Toot is coming down and the girls get baptized Sunday!
Mexican Cheesecake
Mexican Cheesecake
1 - 8oz package cream cheese (softened)
1 - egg
1 - 12 oz can evaporated milk
1 - 14 oz La Lechera condensed milk (sweetened condensed milk)
1 - tsp Mexican vanilla or pure vanilla extract
2 - prepared graham cracker crusts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend the first 5 ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Pour into prepared graham cracker crust. Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown. Insert knife to test for doneness when knife comes out clean the cheesecake is done. Let cool, refrigerate and serve. This cheesecake is best served cold.
Posted by Mommy's Kitchen at 4:37 PM
I am trying a piece after supper. Big weekend planned. Aunt Toot is coming down and the girls get baptized Sunday!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January Day
New down and dirty salsa recipe from Michelle: who got it from Tracy, I think:
1 can mild rotel
1 can cilantro rotel
2 cans regular rotel
1 can hot rotel
Put in blender. Blend to your liking and enjoy! You can add lime juice, sugar or cumin to your liking, too. I have a new recipe called Mexican cheesecake that I will be making soon! I can hardly wait!
Had a birthday get together for JoGail this morning. Had a good time. Ate pizza, cake, opened presents and played the Wii. Doesn't get much better for a 9 year old! Been a busy week with birthdays and such. JoGail had her first reading benchmark on her birthday and scored an 83! We are so proud of her. She has improved so much! Grace has been busy with basketball. Her team, Team Extreme, won 14-11 last Saturday night in their first game. It's amazing how much they have improved in just a year. Tomorrow she's going ice skating with some of her friends for Lindsey's birthday We're crossing our fingers she doesn't get hurt! I think I 'll send a copy of the insurance card just in case!Work is extremely busy right now. We are getting a ton of referrals and it's hard to keep up. I've been having fun with smilebox! It's an online program for scrapbooking your pictures. Gives me something a little relaxing to do!
1 can mild rotel
1 can cilantro rotel
2 cans regular rotel
1 can hot rotel
Put in blender. Blend to your liking and enjoy! You can add lime juice, sugar or cumin to your liking, too. I have a new recipe called Mexican cheesecake that I will be making soon! I can hardly wait!
Had a birthday get together for JoGail this morning. Had a good time. Ate pizza, cake, opened presents and played the Wii. Doesn't get much better for a 9 year old! Been a busy week with birthdays and such. JoGail had her first reading benchmark on her birthday and scored an 83! We are so proud of her. She has improved so much! Grace has been busy with basketball. Her team, Team Extreme, won 14-11 last Saturday night in their first game. It's amazing how much they have improved in just a year. Tomorrow she's going ice skating with some of her friends for Lindsey's birthday We're crossing our fingers she doesn't get hurt! I think I 'll send a copy of the insurance card just in case!Work is extremely busy right now. We are getting a ton of referrals and it's hard to keep up. I've been having fun with smilebox! It's an online program for scrapbooking your pictures. Gives me something a little relaxing to do!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year's Casserole & Toot's recipes
Happy New Year everyone!
We got back this afternoon from Lousiana. Had a really good time! The bonfire was fun, as well as catching up with TAC and Joey. Thsi recipe is fro all the die hard southerners reading this. It's got the cornbread and black eyed peas in it! (Sorry, I don't do cabbage!!!)
New Year's Day Casserole
1 box jiffy cornbread mix
1 8 ounce carton sour cream
1 can black eyed peas drained
1 stick melted butter
1 package breakfast sausage cooked and drained
Mix together and bake in 350 degree oven for about 25-30 minutes or until set and browned around the edges.
This was really good! Coy and I ate ours with same salsa and of course JoGail had cheese on hers!
The next recipe is from Toot--Coy said that was words you don't hear every day! haha
Kenneth's cream cheese dip ( I didn't know what else to call it)
1 package breakfast sausage cooked
2 packages cream cheese
1 can rotel
After browning the sausage combine all in the same skillet. Heat until cream cheese melts. Really really good with fritos or corn chips.
I have no idea what to call this, but it's d=from Toot, too. I am making it tomorrow.
1 can cream corn
1 can whole kernel corn, drained
1 rotel
1 stick melted butter
Bake in 350 oven 20-25 minutes.
Coy' s been busy making new walking routes with his GPS watch. He loves the charting it does on the computer and stuff. He's also the most advanced pkayer on the new Wii (surprise, surprise).
We plaayed 42 after supper tonight. We turned JG loose with her hand (no guidance from us). She didn't do bad. She's my partner and it make me nervous when she bids, though!
We got back this afternoon from Lousiana. Had a really good time! The bonfire was fun, as well as catching up with TAC and Joey. Thsi recipe is fro all the die hard southerners reading this. It's got the cornbread and black eyed peas in it! (Sorry, I don't do cabbage!!!)
New Year's Day Casserole
1 box jiffy cornbread mix
1 8 ounce carton sour cream
1 can black eyed peas drained
1 stick melted butter
1 package breakfast sausage cooked and drained
Mix together and bake in 350 degree oven for about 25-30 minutes or until set and browned around the edges.
This was really good! Coy and I ate ours with same salsa and of course JoGail had cheese on hers!
The next recipe is from Toot--Coy said that was words you don't hear every day! haha
Kenneth's cream cheese dip ( I didn't know what else to call it)
1 package breakfast sausage cooked
2 packages cream cheese
1 can rotel
After browning the sausage combine all in the same skillet. Heat until cream cheese melts. Really really good with fritos or corn chips.
I have no idea what to call this, but it's d=from Toot, too. I am making it tomorrow.
1 can cream corn
1 can whole kernel corn, drained
1 rotel
1 stick melted butter
Bake in 350 oven 20-25 minutes.
Coy' s been busy making new walking routes with his GPS watch. He loves the charting it does on the computer and stuff. He's also the most advanced pkayer on the new Wii (surprise, surprise).
We plaayed 42 after supper tonight. We turned JG loose with her hand (no guidance from us). She didn't do bad. She's my partner and it make me nervous when she bids, though!
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